About the facilitator

September 5, 2008

My name is Stephanie W., from Pembroke, MA., and I will be your
facilitator for this workshop. By Gods grace and with the help of
many fellowships, I celebrated 31 years of recovery. Twelve years
ago, I started attending the Big Book step study meetings, and after
two years had finished writing my fourth step, gave it away to my
sponsor, and started making my amends. I then started to live my life
as instructed in pages 84-88 (steps 10 & 11). My thinking and life
changed so dramatically from doing this work, knew my purpose in
life was to help others recover through working these steps in the
Big Book. I started sponsoring two days after I did my fifth step,
and started a workshop in my home a few months later. I did a BBSS
workshop for six years for a food recovery fellowship and a workshop
for a Al-Anon group. I’ve done five BBSS weekend retreats, and a 14
month BBSS workshop on Mondays 2:30 p.m and Tuesdays 8 p.m. I will be
sharing with you more about myself as we progress in the workshop. My
past and my life now are an open book. If anything I have done is
helpful to my sponsoree’s, I have no trouble in revealing anything to
you. I will be considered your Big Book Step study sponsor, however I
strongly encourage you to have and share all your writings and
insights with your program sponsor. They, most likely, will be taking
your fifth step after we write it together. So, if you don’t have a
program sponsor, please make a concerted effort to find one and build
a relationship. This is deep, deep work, and you’ll need someone to
go to with your feelings and insights. I look forward to our journey
through the twelve steps together as they are laid out in the Big
Book of Alcoholics Anonymous.


Your sister in recovery,
